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Spring and Summer 2024 β€” Life, links and lmedia

I've had a pretty crazy 2024 so far β€” but to be honest I kinda say that all the time, maybe that's just my life? πŸ˜…

Anyway, wanted to do a wee summary of what I've been up to, blog posts I've written and read, and media!


Work recently has been pretty busy. We've had a big new job come up that's a lot more technical and involved than most of our work, so that's taken a lot of attention. I've also been getting more into dev management β€” performance reviews, hiring practices, standards, etc.

I've also dedicated a lot of attention to selling My Top for Spotify, a project I built a few years ago. Check out my blog post "Selling a small front-end web project β€” what I learned" for more info on that. The short version is that it was exciting, new, and took a lot of my focus for about 6 weeks!

Personal life and hobbies have taken more of a backseat than I'd have liked.

  • We've had friends come to stay a few times β€” I love hosting people;
  • Saw Night Flight and The Japanese House β€” live
  • Went to Edinburgh Pride;
  • Did a few hillwalks β€” less than I'd like but it's tricky without a car;
  • Sat on a mountain with some friends for hours watching the perseid meteor shower;
  • Spent a few days visiting family in the Highlands;
  • Had a good Edinburgh fringe with 5 shows, a couple great ones;
  • Went to the south of France near Marseille for a week.

I launched my ko-fi page selling stickers and my art prints. The stickers have done well but the art prints less so. I'm not surprised, I haven't really pushed those much so need to do more.

I'm also regularly attending the Homebrew Website Club meetup in Edinburgh. It's a good small group and a great chance to casually chat and catch up about the web!

Last weekend I went to the State of the Browser conference down in London which is always fantastic. The talks were exceptional this year and I have great fun meeting up with and making new friends.

Posts from me

I've had a pretty good few months for blogging! What a great opportunity to encourage you to read and share those!

Posts from others I've enjoyed

I recently got back into RSS and reading blogs! I had 2500+ unread articles in my feed reader so declared RSS bankruptcy back in July, but have been keeping up since. It's been great to be reading more and I feel more creative, inspired, and excited about the web thanks to it!

Here are a list of some fantastic articles I've read since May, in order of when they were posted:


I felt like I hadn't [read|watched|listened|played] as much media as I would've normally, but actually listing them out is quite a few! It didn't feel like much though!




I also now track my games on Infinite Backlog if you're interested or on there! I also ranked every game I've ever played* and produced a top 100** which was good fun! Here's the recent ones:

* at least as far as I remember
** not quite 100 but close enough!


Me wearing a pride flag kilt, black shirt and smiling holding a champagne glass Me wearing a pride flag kilt, black shirt and smiling holding a champagne glass Me wearing a pride flag kilt, black shirt and smiling holding a champagne glass

Thoughts or comments?

If you have any comments or feedback on this article, let me know! I'd love to hear your thoughts, go ahead and send me an email at or contact me on Mastodon.