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Hi, I'm Alistair!

I'm a web developer based in Edinburgh, Scotland, and use the pronouns he/him. I love front-end development—particularly CSS, HTML, and web performance.

I currently work as Lead Developer at the creative agency Series Eight. You can find out more about my Projects and Work, about me or view my CV. I occasionally write about web technologies on my blog.

Feel free to contact me for a chat about the web, find out any more info, invite me to speak or just to say hi!

Me grinning at the camera wearing a unzipped jacket in a moor. The image is dithered and toned to match the rest of the site

Work and projects

  1. Lead developer at Series Eight

    My day job is lead developer at Series Eight, and as part of that I work on a load of websites, processes and tooling. Check out S8 for some examples!

  2. Async Alpine — advanced component loading for Alpine.js

    An open-source project I maintain, adding the ability to control when components load in the JS framework Alpine.js. A must-have for high-performance Alpine.js sites!

  3. Creative web — building dynamic websites for work and play

    A talk looking at how with a little modern CSS and JS you can build cool and exciting effects on the web easier than you may think!

  4. Cead Consent

    A simple, lightweight and easy-to-implement Cookie/Tracking consent manager for the web.

  5. Making assets fly and images a breeze with Image CDNs

    A talk introducing Image CDNs as a tool to enhance performance and developer experiences working with images.

My Writing

  1. Spring and Summer 2024 — Life, links and lmedia

    A summary of my past few months, including what I've been up to; blog posts I've written and enjoyed reading; and media I've been enjoying

  2. My day at State of the Browser 2024

    I attended State of the Browser 2024 in London, which had some exceptional talks. These are my thoughts from the day.

  3. Selling a small front-end web project — what I learned

    In mid-2024 I sold an small unmonetised web project of mine called My Top for Spotify. This is my experience of the sale and what I learned!

More writing